2024 买足彩app平台: July 10 - August 12


Riverview’s 买足彩app平台 is an ideal opportunity for students to maintain academics, improve upon 独立生活 and executive functioning skills while enjoying 社会 opportunities with peers on beautiful Cape Cod.

Summer at Riverview offers programs for three different age groups: 中间 School, ages 11-15; 高中, ages 14-19; and the Transition Program, GROW (Getting Ready for the Outside World) which serves ages 17-21.

Whether opting for summer only or an introduction to the school year, the 中间 and 高中 买足彩app平台 is designed to maintain academics, 培养独立生活技能, and provide 社会 opportunities with peers. 

在夏天, the Transition Program (GROW) is designed to teach vocational, 独立生活, and 社会 skills while reinforcing academics. GROW students must be enrolled for the following school year in order to participate in the 买足彩app平台.

Riverview’s summer experience serves as an ideal opportunity for students, whether coming in for the new school year or not, to become acquainted with campus life, 老师, 住宿教员和同行.

中间 & 高中暑假


Academic instruction is provided each weekday morning using a thematic, integrated curriculum. 阅读, 写作 and the arts are connected to a central theme, 这提供了一个有意义的, 多感官学习环境. Students also receive instruction in mathematics and participate in elective classes to explore new interests. The 2023 Summer Theme is: Australia, Land of Diversity.


Riverview Summer is about adventures and having fun! Students experience summer on Cape Cod by attending sporting events, 舞蹈, 观赏鲸鱼, 海滩郊游, 水上公园, 皮划艇, deep sea fishing and cultural events, such as concerts and plays—teenage experiences!


  • 绿地音乐会(科德角) & 普利茅斯)

  • 开普码棒球联盟

  • 三明治木板路

  • 个人购物

  • 主街漫步

  • 巴恩斯泰勃郡集市

  • 皮划艇/ Paddleboarding /油管

  • 科德角国家海岸

  • 电影

  • 科德角海滩

  • 格里诺营地的一天

  • 书店参观

  • 运河和海滩散步

  • 当地的上涨


Social skills training is one of the corner stones of the Riverview program. All activities are designed to strengthen cooperative skills and individual growth. Outings allow for skills learned in the classroom to be practiced across all settings and environments within the community.


Students learn how to plan their time, complete chores to take care of their rooms as well as common living spaces, and budget their money to make purchases in the community. They also learn how to self-advocate and learn executive functioning skills.

暑期学生: Day students participate in the summer program from 8:30am to 4:45pm, five days a week. Designed to mirror the weekday morning and afternoon portion of the School’s boarding program, the day program adheres to the same high standards as the programming available to our boarding students. Parents and/or school districts are responsible for all transportation to and from the day program.


Riverview’s GROW 买足彩app平台 is a five-week educational experience for students who have graduated from high school (17–21 years old) and who are enrolled in the school-year program. The program is designed to build students’ vocational and 独立生活 skills while reinforcing academics.


GROW students participate in academics during the summer to continue building practical reading, 写作, 还有数学技能. Students also take afternoon elective classes that give them an opportunity to engage in activities to develop personal and recreational interests.


Students rotate through career exploratory fields, where they are exposed to jobs and the foundation skills associated with each position. At the completion of the program, students are given a Work Exploratory Assessment.


In addition to the hard work, 夏季生长 is also about adventures and having fun! Students experience summer on Cape Cod by attending sporting events, 观赏鲸鱼, 海滩郊游, 水上公园, 皮划艇, deep sea fishing and cultural events.


  • 绿地音乐会(科德角) & 普利茅斯)

  • 开普码棒球联盟

  • 三明治木板路

  • 个人购物

  • 主街漫步

  • 巴恩斯泰勃郡集市

  • 皮划艇/ Paddleboarding /油管

  • 科德角国家海岸

  • 电影

  • 科德角海滩

  • 格里诺营地的一天

  • 书店参观

  • 运河和海滩散步

  • 当地的上涨


Young adult experiences allow for the development of 社会 competency; building and maintaining friendships. Additionally, GROW students learn how to self-advocate.


GROW students learn how to plan activities, arrange transportation, and budget their money. They do chores to take care of their rooms as well as common living spaces, as well as go grocery shopping and cook meals.
